Sunday, August 22, 2010

Swiss Family Robinson

One might think Disney's Swiss Family Robinson, being made in 1960, would mean its lame and hooky, but it is quite adventurous and even for today's standard is quite thrilling and impressive.  Don't get me wrong.  Disney being Disney, there are definite moments of family fun and lightheartedness.  Though I've never read the book, I'm sure the story isn't nearly as pleasant.  I'm sure the re-make planned for a 2012 release will be darker and Hollywood will find some way to turn it into a tacky action flick, much like how the murdered the image of Sherlock Holmes.  I personally feel a remake is totally unnecessary. This movie version is completely up to par and can still entertain today's audience.  What I find so impressive is the number of wild animals used in the movie and how the actual actors did their scenes with them, even Fritz's (James MacArthur) fight with the anaconda.  I'm surprised if none of the actors got seriously injured while shooting the movie.  At the same time I wonder if today it would be considered animal abuse the way they were treated in the film.  Afterall, I don't think ostriches were meant to be ridden.
A disappointment that I do find is that despite how many shirtless men are in the movie, none of them are studs with a hot bod.  Quite sad.  MacArthur is a cutie, though.  And an annoyance with the movie I find in the character Francis, the youngest son.  He is nothing but a nuisance and causes nothing but problems and aggravation for the family.  I was hoping he would get disemboweled by the tiger or a pirate or something.  Or at least a big slap in the face.  And that slut Roberta causing the eldest brothers to fight each other... the shame of it all.   I'm also curious if the pirates are actually speaking a specific asian language.  It would be quite wrong if they just had the actors speak gibberish, but as we all know Disney was not above being racially offensive.
Overall in the long run, Swiss Family Robinson is thoroughly enjoyable and advise everybody of all ages to watch it at some point.

For more information on this movie, check out the Internet Movie Database or simply click on the following link:

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